मन के सारे किरदार वक्त के साथ एक-एक कर मरते जाते है,फिर बच जाते है हम यूँ रात के इस पहर में उदास और एकांत...!
Government sector VS Private Sector
Depending on personal viewpoints and societal standards, people may perceive the government sector to be more valuable than the private sector. While some people could place a larger value on the public sector, others would place a higher value on the private sector. In some situations, the government sector may be seen as having higher value for the following reasons: 1. Public Service: Providing vital public services like healthcare, education, infrastructure development, and public safety is frequently connected with the government sector. These services are thought to be essential for society's overall progress and well-being. As a result, the labour done by government employees to provide these services is frequently perceived as directly helping the broader public and is thus highly valued. 2. Stability and Security: Compared to the private sector, government positions are often thought to offer greater stability and job security. Regular pay schedules, pensions, and legal ...
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